
  • Cheng, J.; Bar, H.; Tako, E.; Zinc Status Index (ZSI) for Quantification of Zinc Physiological Status. Nutrients, 2021, 13(10).
  • Meyer, D.;  Kames , J.;  Bar, H.; Komar, AA;   Alexaki, A.;  Ibla, J.; Hunt, RC;  Santana-Quintero, LV; Golikov, A.; DiCuccio, M.;  Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. Distinct signatures of codon and codon pair usage in 32 primary tumor types in the novel database CancerCoCoPUTs for cancer-specific codon usage. Genome Medicine, 2021, 13:122.
  • Bar, H.; Booth, James; Wells, Martin, T. Mixed Effect Modeling and Variable Selection for Quantile Regression. Statistical Modelling, 2021.
  • Holcomb, D.; Hamasaki-Katagiri, N.; Laurie, K.; Katneni, U.; Kames, J.; Alexaki, A; Bar, H.;  Kimchi-Sarfaty, C.  New approaches to predict the effect of co-occurring variants on protein characteristics. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2021, 108(8), 1502-1511.
  • Bar, H.; Wang, H. Reproducible Science with LATEX. J. data sci. 2021; 19, no. 1, 111-125, DOI 10.6339/21-JDS998
  • Bar, H., Bang, S., A mixture model to detect edges in sparse co-expression graphs with an application for comparing breast cancer subtypes. 2021; PLOS ONE 16(2): e0246945.
  • McLaughlin, P.; Bar, H. A Spatial Capture-Recapture Model with Attractions Between Individuals. Environmentrics. 2021; 32(1):e2653,  doi: 10.1002/env.2653
  • Bar, H.; Zweifach, A. Z’ Does Not Need to be > 0.5. SLAS Discovery, 2020, DOI: 10.1177/2472555220942764
  • Katneni, U.; Holcomb, D.; Hernandez, N. E.; Hamasaki-Katagiri, N. ; Hunt, R. C.; Bar, H.; Ibla, J.C.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C.  In silico features of ADAMTS13 contributing to plasmatic ADAMTS13 levels in neonates with congenital heart disease. Thrombosis Research, 2020, Vol. 193, 66-76
  • Kames, J; Holcomb, D.D.; Alexaki, A; Santana-Quintero, L; Athey, J.C; Hamasaki-Katagiri, N; Katneni, U; Golikov, A; Ibla, J.C.; Bar, H.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. TissueCoCoPUTs: Novel Human Tissue-Specific Codon and Codon-Pair Usage Tables Based on Differential Tissue Gene Expression. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2020 Jan 23; S0022-2836(20) 30041-3
  • Alexaki, A.; Kames, J.;  Hettiarachchi, G.K.; Athey, JC;  Katneni, U.; Hunt, RC;   Hamasaki-Katagiri, N.; Holcomb, DD; DiCuccio, M.;   Bar, H.; Komar, AA; and  Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. Ribosome profiling of HEK293T cells overexpressing codon optimized coagulation factor IX. F1000Research. 2020.
  • Bar, H.; Booth, James; Wells, Martin, T. A Scalable Empirical Bayes Approach to Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2019. Fifty free eprint versions of the paper are available from the publisher Taylor and Francis.
  • Hunt, R.; Hettiarachchi, G.; Katneni, U.; Hernandez, N.; Holcomb, D; Kames, J.; Alnifaidy, R.; Lin, B.; Hamasaki-Katagiri, N.; Wesley, A.; Kafri, T.; Morris, C.; Bouch\'{e}, L.; Panico, M.; Schiller, T.; Ibla, J.; Bar, H.; Ismail, A.; Morris, H.; Komar, A.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. A single synonymous variant (c.354G>A [p.P118P]) in ADAMTS13 confers enhanced specific activity. The International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019, 20(22), 5734;
  • Alexaki, A.; Hettiarachchi, G.K.; Athey, J.C.; Katneni, U.K.; Simhadri, V.; Hamasaki-Katagiri, N.; Nanavaty, P.; Lin, B.; Takeda, K.; Freedberg, D.; Monroe, D.; McGill, J.R.; Peters, R.; Kames, J.M.; Holcomb, D.D.; Hunt, R.C.; Sauna, Z.E.; Gelinas, A.;Janjic, N.; DiCuccio, M.; Bar, H.; Komar, A.A.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. Effects of codon optimization on coagulation factor IX translation and structure: Implications for protein and gene therapies. Nature Research’s Scientific Reports, 9, 15449 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-51984-2
  • Bar, H.; Schifano, E. D. Differential variation and expression analysis. 2019. Stat.
  • Bar, H.; Liu, K. Empirical Bayes Methods in Variable Selection. 2019. WIREs Computational Statistics. Volume 11, Issue 2. doi: 10.1002/wics.1455 (erratum)
  • Korach-Rechtman, H.; Freilich, S.; Gerassy-Vainberg, S.; Buhnik-Rosenblau, K.; Danin-Poleg, Y.; Bar, H.; Kashi, Y. Murine Genetic Background has a Stronger Impact on the Composition of the Gut Microbiota than Maternal Inoculation or Exposure to Unlike Microbiota. 2019. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00826-19 . Featured in TheScientist
  • Katneni, U.; Liss, A.; Holcomb, D.; Katagiri, N.; Hunt, R.; Bar, H.; Ismail, A.; Komar, A.A.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. Splicing dysregulation contributes to the pathogenicity of several F9 exonic point variants. 2019. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine. DOI:10.1002/mgg3.840
  • Alexaki, A.; Kames, J.M.; Holcomb, D.D.; Athey, J.; Santana-Quintero, L.V.; Lam. P.V.; Hamasaki-Katagiri, N.; Osipova, E.;
    Simonyan, V.; Bar, H.; Komar, A.A.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C. Codon and Codon-Pair Usage Tables (CoCoPUTs): facilitating genetic variation analyses and recombinant gene design. 2019. Journal of Molecular Biology. pii: S0022-2836(19)30228-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.04.021
  • Poole, A.C.; Goodrich, J.K.; Youngblut, N. D.; Luque, G.G.; Ruaud, A.; Sutter, J.L.; Waters, J.L.; Shi, Q.; El-Hadidi, M.; Johnson, L.M.; Bar, H.; Huson, D.H.; Booth, J.G.; Ley, R.E. Human Salivary Amylase Gene Copy Number Impacts Oral and Gut Microbiomes. 2019. Cell Host & Microbe. 25, 553–564.
  • Hettiarachchi, G. K.; Katneni, U. K.; Hunt, R. C.; Kames, J. M.; Athey, J. C.; Bar, H.; Sauna, Z. E.; McGill, J. R.; Ibla, J. C.; Kimchi-Sarfaty, C.
    Translational and transcriptional responses in human primary hepatocytes under hypoxia. 2019. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00331.2018.
  • Bar, H.; Booth, J.; Wells, M. T.; Liu, K. Facilitating High Dimensional Transparent Classification Via Empirical Bayes Variable Selection. 2018. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. Volume 34, Issue 6. Pages 949-961.
  • Fox, E. L.; Pelto, G. H.; Bar, H.; Rasmussen, K. M.; Young, S. L.; Debrosse, M. G.; Rouzier, V. A.; Pape, J. W.; Pelletier, D. L. Capturing changes in HIV-infected, breastfeeding mothers’ cognitive processes from before delivery to five months postpartum: An application of the pile sorting technique in Haiti. 2018. Current Developments in Nutrition; Volume 2, Issue 6, 1 June 2018, nzy017, Editor’s Choice.
  • Chen, K., Mishra, N., Smyth, J., Bar, H., Schifano, E., Kuo, L., Chen, M.-H. A tailored multivariate mixture model for detecting proteins of concordant change in the pathogenesis of Necrotic Enteritis. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2018.
  • Bar, H.. Missing Data – Mechanisms and Possible Solutions. Cultura y Educacion / Culture and Education. 2017, Vol. 29(3), pages 492-525.
  • Bar, H.; Mentch, Lucas. R-CMap – An Open-Source Software for Concept Mapping. 2017. Evaluation and Program Planning – Special Issue on: Concept Mapping at 25: Development, Applications, and Future Directions. 60:284-292. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2016.08.018.
  • Hamasaki-Katagiri, N., Lin, B., Simon, J., Hunt, R., Schiller, T., Russek-Cohen, E., Komar, A., Bar, H., Kimchi-Sarfaty, C., The Importance of mRNA Structure in Determining the Pathogenicity of Synonymous and Non-synonymous Mutations in X-linked Genes. Haemophilia 2017 Jan; 23(1):e8-17
  • Rom, O., Korach Rechtman, H., Hayek;, T., Danin-Poleg, Y., Bar, H., Kashi, Y., Aviram, M., Acrolein increases macrophage atherogenicity in association with gut microbiota remodeling in atherosclerotic mice: protective role for the polyphenol-rich pomegranate juice. Archives of Toxicology, 2017 Apr; 91(4):1709-1725. doi: 10.1007/s00204-016-1859-8.
  • Tako, Elad, Bar, H., Glahn, Raymond P. The combined application of the Caco-2 cell bioassay coupled with in vivo (Gallus gallus) feeding trial represents an effective approach to predicting Fe bioavailability in humans. Nutrients. 2016 Nov 18;8(11). pii: E732.
  • Molinari, E., Bar, H., Pyke, A. M., Patrizio, P. (2016). Transcriptome analysis of human cumulus cells reveals hypoxia as the main determinant of follicular senescence. Molecular Human Reproduction
  • Schifano, Elizabeth D.; Bar, H.; Harel, Ofer. Methods for analyzing secondary outcomes in public health case-control studies. 2015, “Innovative Statistical Methods for Public Health Data”, Ding-Geng Chen and Jeffrey Wilson, editors. Springer. Pages 3-15.
  • Bar, H., Booth, James G., and Wells, Martin T., 2014. A Bivariate Model for Simultaneous Testing in Bioinformatics Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 109, No. 506, Applications and Case Studies. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2014.884502 .
  • Elizabeth L. Alexander; Susana Gardete; Haim Bar Martin T. Wells; Alexander Tomasz; Kyu Y. Rhee.  Intermediate-Type Vancomycin Resistance (VISA) in Genetically-Distinct Staphylococcus aureus Isolates is Linked to Specific, Reversible Metabolic Alterations. PLOS ONE .
  • Coate, Jeremy E.; Bar, H.; Doyle, Jeff J. 2014. Extensive Translational Regulation of Gene Expression in an Allopolyploid (Glycine dolichocarpa). The Plant Cell Online Vol. 26, No. 1, pages 136-150. doi: 10.1105/tpc.113.119966
  • Nongnuch Athiphunamphai; Haim Y. Bar; Herbert J. Cooley; Olga I. Padilla-Zakour. 2014 Heat treatment and turbo extractor rotational speed effects on rheological and physico-chemical properties of varietal applesauce. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 136, Pages 19-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2014.03.016
  • Jiang, Xinyin; Bar, H.; Yan, Jian; Jones, Sara; Brannon, Patsy M.; West, Allyson A.; Perry, Cydne A.; Ganti, Anita; Pressman, Eva; Devapatla, Srisatish; Vermeylen, Francoise; Wells, Martin T.; Caudill, Marie A. 2013. A higher maternal choline intake among third-trimester pregnant women lowers placental and circulating concentrations of the antiangiogenic factor fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFLT1). The FASEB Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, pages 1245-1253.
  • Bar H. and Lillard D., June 2012. Accounting for Heaping in Retrospectively Reported Event Data – A Mixture Model Approach. Statistics in Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/sim.5419.
  • Jiang, Xinyin; Bar, H.; Yan, Jian; West, Allyson A.; Perry, Cydne A.; Malysheva, Olga V.; Devapatla, Srisatish; Pressman, Eva; Vermeylen, Francoise M.; Wells, Martin T.; Caudill, Marie A. Human pregnancy induces transcriptional activation of the peripheral innate immune system and increases oxidative DNA damage. PLoS ONE, 7(11):e46736.
  • Jiang, Xinyin; Yan, Jian; West, Allyson; Perry, Cydne; Malysheva, Olga; Bar, H.; Wells, Martin; Devapatla, Srisatish; Pressman, Eva; Caudill, Marie. March 2012. Pregnancy status and choline intake alter DNA integrity, epigenetic marks and gene expression. The FASEB Journal, Vol. 26:116.1
  • Bar, H.; Booth, James G.; and Wells, Martin T. January, 2012. A Mixture-Model Approach for Parallel Testing for Unequal Variances. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology Vol. 11, Iss. 1, Article 8.
  • Rosenbaum M., Bar H., Beg Q., Segrè D., Booth J. , Cotta M. and Angenent L., February 2012. Transcriptional analysis of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 with an electrode compared to soluble Fe(III) or oxygen as terminal electron acceptor. PLoS ONE, 7(2):e30827.
  • Jiang, Xinyin; Yan, Jian; West, Allyson; Perry, Cydne; Malysheva, Olga; Bar, H.; Wells, Martin; Devapatla, Srisatish; Pressman, Eva; Caudill, Marie. 2011. A higher maternal choline intake favorably alters placental gene expression of biological pathways related to disease risk. The FASEB Journal, Vol. 25:599.5
  • Bar H. and Schifano E. D., February 2011. Empirical and fully Bayesian approaches for random effects models in microarray data analysis. Statistical Modelling 11(1):71-88.
  • Menda G., Bar H., Arthur B., Rivlin P., Wyttenbach R., Strawderman R. and Hoy R. 2011. Classical Conditioning Through Auditory Stimuli in Drosophila: Methods and Models The Journal of Experimental Biology 214:2864-2870.
  • Bar H., Booth J., Schifano E. D. and Wells M. T. 2010. Laplace Approximated EM Microarray Analysis: An Empirical Bayes Approach for Comparative Microarray Experiments. Statistical Science 2010, 25(3):388-407.
  • Rosenbaum M. A., Bar H., Beg Q. K., Segrè D., Booth J., Cotta M. A. and Angenent L. T. October 2010. Shewanella oneidensis in a lactate-fed pure-culture and a glucose-fed co-culture with Lactococcus lactis with an electrode as electron acceptor. Bioresource Technology, 102(3):2623-2628.
  • Bar H., Miranker W. and Ambash A. 2003. Competition and Cooperation in Neuronal Processing. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 14(4):860-8.

Invited Talks

  • Quantile Regression Modelling via Location and Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions. Statistics and Data Science Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, October 2019.
  • A Mixture Model to Detect Edges in Sparse Co-expression Graphs. Bayesian Modeling, Computation, and Applications, Storrs, CT, May 2018.
  • A Scalable Empirical Bayes Approach to Variable Selection.
    – University of Notre Dame, March 2016.
    – Joint UConn/UMass Colloquium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, October 2015.
    – Department of Mathematics – University of Maryland, October 2015.
    – Mathematical Biosciences Institute – The Ohio State University, September 2015.
  • Methods for Analyzing Secondary Outcomes in Public Health Case-Control Studies. Modern Modeling Methods Conference, May 2015.
  • Model-based approaches for big-data problems, with applications in genomics. Institute for Systems Genomics Annual Networking Workshop, May 2014.
  • An Empirical Bayes Approach to Variable Selection and QTL Analysis.
    – Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys and Big Data, May 2014.
    – Purdue University, October 2014.
    – Modern Modeling Methods, University of Connecticut, May 2014.
  • A Bivariate Model for Simultaneous Testing in Bioinformatics Data.
    – 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics, October 2014.
    – Cornell University, October 2012.
    – University of Connecticut, February 2013.
    – University of Rochester, February 2013.
    – University of Iowa, February 2013.
    – NIH/NCI, March 2013.
  • Accounting for Heaping in Retrospectively Reported Event Data – A Mixture Model Approach. ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium in New York City, NY, USA. June 2011.
  • A Heap of Trouble? Accounting for Mismatch Bias in Retrospectively Collected Data on Smoking. 3rd Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, June 2010.

Conference Presentations

  • A Mixture-Model Approach for Testing for Unequal Variances in Microarray Data. Conference of Applied Statistics Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 2011.
  • An Empirical Bayes Approach to Variable Selection and QTL Analysis. The 25th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Glasgow, Scotland, 2010.
  • Bar H. and Schifano E. D. Bayesian Approaches to Random Effects Models in Microarray Analysis. The 24th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Ithaca, NY, USA. 2009


  • U.S. Patent 9384677 (granted July 5, 2016)
    U.S. Patent 9076342 B2 (granted Jul 7, 2015);
    U.S. Patent 20150213730 A1 (Publication Date: Jul 30, 2015);
    U.S. Patent 20090208910 A1 (Publication Date: Aug 20, 2009).
    Automated execution and evaluation of network-based training exercises.
    Inventors: Stephen Brueckner, Frank N. Adelstein, Haim Bar, Matthew Donovan.
  • U.S. Patent 20150143355 (Publication Date: May 21, 2015) Service Oriented Architecture Version and Dependency Ccontrol. Inventors: Daniel James Tingstrom, Robert A Joyce, Matthew A Stillerman, Stephen K Brueckner, Haim Yehuda Bar
  • U.S. Patent 8984396 (granted March 17, 2015)
    Identifying and representing changes between extensible markup language (XML) files using symbols with data element indication and direction indication.
    Inventors: Tingstrom; Daniel James, Joyce; Robert A., Stillerman; Matthew A., Brueckner; Stephen Kurt, Bar; Haim Yehuda
  • U.S. Patent 8898285 (granted November 25, 2014)
    Service oriented architecture version and dependency control.
    Inventors: Tingstrom; Daniel James, Joyce; Robert A., Stillerman; Matthew A., Brueckner; Stephen Kurt, Bar; Haim Yehuda
  • U.S. Patent 8286249 (granted October 9, 2012);
    U.S. Patent 7748040 (granted June 29, 2010);
    Attack correlation using marked information
    Inventors: Adelstein F. N., Bar H., Alla P. and Proskourine N.